Friday, July 29, 2011

Marion - July 28 - Blaze

I met Marion at our mutual friend's birthday dinner last winter. (hey Justin, we see you). The semester before, I would arrive to my 10 am, Friday recitation, hungover...or still drunk, with BUI's in hand, where I would marvel at Marion's fly style, that is, if she came to class. Her legend surpassed her as she is a member of my favorite Penn group, The Excelano Project, a troop of unbelievably talented spoken word artists.

Visiting from Denver this weekend, Marion crashed at my spot and I got the opportunity to hang with her for the second time. This girl is the shit. Her spirit blazes so fiercely that you can see it in the clothes she wears, the choices she makes, and the wisdom she spits. Luckily, a part of this chick's brain is accessible to the public on her blog.

I was lucky to have met some magnificent people during college and the beat goes on in Rittenhouse...

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